XD aims to foster an inclusive learning environment where people of all abilities, 9 years of age and above can learn and thrive, and especially the differently-abled and underserved communities.
XD currently has two arms — XD School and XD Studio.
XD School is our main learning platform, which engages expert facilitators and offers exclusive programmes on digital media. We also support the pursuit of micro-credentials from top learning platforms, such as Coursera.
XD Studio, meanwhile, is a practical space for students to hone skills acquired via our digital programmes.
At XD, we offer a variety of programmes aimed at developing the creative skills of children and adults, including those who are differently-abled.
Visit the specific programme’s page to find more details about its duration, eligibility, and learning outcomes.
You can contribute in a variety of ways, from being a mentor to those with learning challenges to assisting with behind-the-scenes work to facilitate XD’s programs:
Head to our Donate page, select your desired amount, and send in your money via PayPal, credit card, or debit card. You can also choose to make recurring donations on a weekly or monthly basis in the donation form.
We would really appreciate your help to achieve XD’s mission of making education inclusive.
XD Email: hello@thexdschool.com
XD School's Primary Contact +6010-650 0838,
Principal Coach Prem +6019-282 0088
Address: Xtraordinary Digital School Hub,
No 6, Jalan SS 1/32, 47300 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Copyright © 2025 The XD School