Functional School Registration
    Five Session Plan

    Thank you for filling up our Functional Academics Form. Please use the slider in each question to help us better understand your child's developmental needs.



    1. Pre-Assessment

    Personal Care
    1. Ability to Dress Up for Appropriate Events

    2. Ability to Take Baths or Shower when Needed

    3. Ability to Change When Attire is Soiled

    4. Ability to Clean Mouth After Meals
    • Wiping Mouth Clean

    5. Ability to Brush Teeth and Gargle to Maintain Oral Hygiene

    1. Understands Modesty and is Able To Demonstrate Private Parts and Non Private Parts

    2. Understands Where to Undress Himself/Herself

    3. Able and Understands Appropriate and Inappopriate Touch
    • Knows Touching Private Parts of Self or Others in Public is Inappopriate

    4. Understands the Concept of Personal Space When Greeting, Talking, and/or Playing with Others

    Understands Time and Use of Personal Money
    1. Ability to Count, 1 - 100

    2. Understands the Meaning of Quantity
    • I Would Like 10 Grapes for Deserts
    • Here with your Child Understand What 10 Means

    3. Ability to Sort Colour

    4. Ability to Sort Size

    5. Ability to Sort Object

    6. Understands the Different Number Value
    • 3 is lesser than 5

    7. Understands and Able to Discriminate What is Left and Right

    8. Understands and is Able to Discriminate Between Up and Down, and Front and Backgrounds
    The reason we ask for this, we will be using this to support the mathematical reasoning plan for your child.

    9. Able to Understand Fractions such as 1/2 (Half), 1/1 (Whole), 1/4 (Quarter)

    10. Able to Fill in Personal Data Forms with Personal Details such as Date of Birth, Important Phone Numbers, and Age

    11. Ability to Determine the Value of Time to Organise Personal Schedueles to Determine to be Early, on Time, and/or Late for Scheduled Activities.

    1. Ability to express and understand English/Alternative Language.

    a. Expressive Language

    b. Receptive Language

    Functional School Registration (Five Session Plan)

    Your Functional School experience begins here. Rest assured it should take you less than 5 mins or less for you to register.



    2. Session Selection

    Select the chosen unit

    Choose the 1st session date
    The rest of the session's date will be on the same day for the rest of the sessions
    Eg. If the selected date is on a Tuesday, 2:00 pm; the next rest of the remaining classes will fall on Tuesday, 2:00pm

    Choose the session time

    Choose the 1st session date
    The rest of the session's date will be on the same day for the rest of the sessions
    Eg. If the selected date is on a Tuesday, 2:00 pm; the next rest of the remaining classes will fall on Tuesday, 2:00pm

    Choose the session time

    Choose the 1st session date
    The rest of the session's date will be on the same day for the rest of the sessions
    Eg. If the selected date is on a Tuesday, 2:00 pm; the next rest of the remaining classes will fall on Tuesday, 2:00pm

    Choose the session time

    Choose the 1st session date
    The rest of the session's date will be on the same day for the rest of the sessions
    Eg. If the selected date is on a Tuesday, 2:00 pm; the next rest of the remaining classes will fall on Tuesday, 2:00pm

    Choose the session time

    Choose the 1st session date
    The rest of the session's date will be on the same day for the rest of the sessions
    Eg. If the selected date is on a Tuesday, 2:00 pm; the next rest of the remaining classes will fall on Tuesday, 2:00pm

    Choose the session time

    Choose the 1st session date
    The rest of the session's date will be on the same day for the rest of the sessions
    Eg. If the selected date is on a Tuesday, 2:00 pm; the next rest of the remaining classes will fall on Tuesday, 2:00pm

    Choose the session time

    Choose the 1st session date
    The rest of the session's date will be on the same day for the rest of the sessions
    Eg. If the selected date is on a Tuesday, 2:00 pm; the next rest of the remaining classes will fall on Tuesday, 2:00pm

    Choose the session time

    Functional School Registration (Five Session Plan)

    3. Participant Registration

    Please select your registration type: New Registration or Renewal?

    Your Child's Name

    Your Child's Preferred Short Name

    Your Child's Gender

    Your Child's Age

    What School Does Your Child Go To?

    Is Your CHILD Able to Participate in A Group Activity For 1 Hour Without Intervals?

    Is Your Child Able to Communicate Clearly?

    Description of Learning Challenges (if Applicable)

    Any known sensory processing disorder, if yes please describe

    Any other known medical conditions, if yes please describe (e.g seizure, mental disorders, stress tolerance, allergies)

    Does your child take any medication for the above medication?

    Has your child been professionally diagnosed by a medical or clinical professional (if Applicable)

    What would you like your child to gain from the programme?


    Please help assign activities appropriate to your child's developmental needs

    Tips to Connect
    Please suggest any helpful tips to help the respective coaching team further bond with your child. 1. Please let us know what are their top 2 special interest (ex. my kid loves electric cars and video games like Minecraft) 2. Colours (ex. my daughter's favourite colour is green and yellow)

    Calming Strategies
    Please suggest any helpful calming or distraction strategies to help your child resume attention in our outdoor class

    Xtra Helpful Information
    Please provide any information that will assist the group facilitator in structuring the programme for the child's greatest success (e.g. visual schedules, short breaks every 15 minutes, behaviour management sessions) that works best for your child

    Functional School Registration (Five Session Plan)

    4. Parent Registration

    Full Name (Per IC/MyKad/Passport)

    Preferred Short Name


    Are you a new or existing user?
    Select "Existing User" if you are renewing your registration.


    Mobile Phone Number

    IC/MyKad/Passport Number

    Legal Relationship with Participant

    Please State Your Legal Relationship with Participant


    Functional School Registration (Five Session Plan)

    Please fill in the necessary information if you are unable to accompany your child

    5. Guardian Registration

    Will you accompany your kid?

    Full Name (Per IC/MyKad/Passport)

    Preferred Short Name



    Mobile Phone Number

    IC/MyKad/Passport Number

    Legal Relationship with Participant

    Please State Your Legal Relationship with Participant


    2nd Emergency Contact Person's Number (+60XXX-XXXXXXX)

    2nd Emergency Contact Person's Name

    2nd Emergency Contact Person's Legal Relationship

    Functional School Registration (Five Session Plan)

    6. Policy

    Trial and Single Class Policies
    1. Once you have paid for your trial/single class (via cash, credit card, online banking or Paypal) you will be waitlisted into your class. We require at least two students to start a new/existing class.
    2. We regret we will not be able to entertain or refund any cancellation of classes.
    3. Please arrive 20 minutes before your trial class to allow yourself enough time to park, register, and be ready to start at least 10 minutes before your class. It is the parent’s responsibility to prepare yourself and your child for the class.
    4. If you are coming for a trial/single class and you are late by 10 minutes late or more, you will not be able to join the class, as this can be disruptive for the coach and the other students. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer a replacement class. You will be required to pay for another trial class.
    5. If your child refuses to join the class or refuses to participate, it is up to the discretion of the coach whether you will be allowed to attend another trial class (without paying again). You will not be given a refund.

    You must accept the terms and conditions to continue the registration.

    Inclusive Fees Policies
    1. We designed our programmes to be affordable and sustainable to all participants.
    2. We offer various attractive packages including a returning registration package to make all our programmes affordable for all.
    3. Second and third siblings enrolled will receive an additional 10% discount on their registration package.
    4. We reserve the right to change the class schedule at any time we feel is fair & necessary.
    5. We reserve the right to cancel a class or consolidate classes if there is only 1 student in the class.

    You must accept the terms and conditions to continue the registration.

    General Etiquette and Safety Policies
    1. If your child has any symptoms or signs of illness (or a sibling or family member) please keep your child out of class until the symptoms have fully cleared and/or your doctor has given the ok.
    2. We encourage parents and/or carers to accompany their children for their first class.
    3. After a class is finished, the Teacher/Coach/Administrator will ask all children to go to their parent(s)/caregiver.
    4. On-going feedback. We value your feedback and welcome you to share it with us, kindly let us know via or share it directly with our facilitating team.
    5. We have an adequate number of car parking spaces behind our double-storey terrace house. The parking here is free. Please park your cars with care and consideration for our neighbour's back door.
    6. We will provide you with an orientation of our welcome area and classroom space during our first class. Please account for the extra time. Looking forward to seeing you at the field soon!

    You must accept the terms and conditions to continue the registration.

    Key Differences: The Bundle Class Policies for 5 and 10 classes
    1. Our Flexi-Package option is a 5 or 10-class package. The package expires in 5 months from the date of the first class.
    2. The expiry date of the package cannot be extended.
    3. This package is non-refundable and non-transferable.
    4. If you are not attending your class, we require notifications as early as possible. Please cancel the class by calling or WhatsApp 019 – 650 0838 (XD School Primary Contact) or 019 – 282 0088 (Principal Coach Prem) within 5 hours before class starts. Notification via SMS or e-mail will NOT be accepted. A class cancelled after this timeframe will be counted as having been at-tended.
    5. Credits or refunds will not be given unless the circumstances are extenuating.
    6. Any missed classes will not be carried forward to the next package.
    7. Limited guests. Every student is allowed one parent/guardian only. At XD School, we strive and want our students and clients to feel safe and have an enjoyable experience, as such we ask everyone who joins us for the Functional Academics programme to keep our space safe for all.

    You must accept the terms and conditions to continue the registration.

    Participant's & Family Safety and General Indemnity Clauses!ArpHv0Y9RofDgrU5Kt7SrIUEaERIqw?e=JJpGmI

    You must accept the terms and conditions to continue the registration.

    To view/download the policy document: Download here

    Please download the arrival guide: Download here

    The Principles Behind Our Existence and Policies:
    1. Working in partnership with parents is one of the most treasured aspects of the learning journey at XD School and what makes a huge difference to our differently-abled student’s development in all our programmes. We value every parent’s valuable feedback and constant support to make us even better and sustainable. This has proven to be instrumental in shaping XD’s future identity as a forward-thinking inclusive school for all!
    2. The XD Functional Academics and Vocational programme is designed to prepare students who require little to substantial support with a less complex and practical curriculum pathway to enable them to gain independence to work.
    3. Our extensive experience in supporting our differently-abled students to gain independence suggests the path forward will not be straightforward and requires courageous parents to be open to new approaches, and changes in parenting styles from protective to productive and pragmatic. XD acknowledges long-term change will take time and seeks parents' commitment to co-facilitate the learning journey. As partners, we share a common goal of bringing out the best in your child and we need your unconditional support to achieve this important milestone together.

    Together, let’s make a difference in the learning journey of your child,

    Thank you for your support,

    Principal Coach and Co-Founder
    XD School

    Functional School Registration (Five Session Plan)

    Quick and Easy with our multi-payment method. More options are coming soon!

    7. Payment

    Pay by QR Code or Bank Transfer


    Please attach the payment slip below

    Bank Transfer
    Bank: CIMB Bank
    Name: Wildpac Asia PLT
    Account Number: 800-783-044-8

    Please attach the payment slip below

    Total: RM500