Student Enquiry Form

    Please fill out the form below so we know more about your child!

    Your Email

    Your Child's Name

    Your Child's Behaviour

    Tell us about your child’s early behaviours once you noticed a behavioural pattern and/or health signs.

    1. What behavioural/medical concerns does your child have? What age did it happen?
    Behavioural/Medical Concern Age

    Other concerns:

    2. What challenging life experiences had your child faced or is still facing? What age did it happen?
    Life Experiences Age

    Other life experiences:

    Your Child's PINS

    Please help us to understand your child’s Preferences, Interests, Needs and Strengths (PINS). This helps our coaches and volunteers to align to the needs of your child. Tick the box that applies from your fact-based understanding in what your child has done and what your child has said.

    Academia Learning Employment Independent Living

    Good at:

    Works well:

    Your Child's Development Needs

    Tell us about your child’s early behaviours once you noticed a behavioural pattern and/or health signs. (repetitive behaviours of 5 or more times)

    1. Which specific development needs in your child do you need help with?

    2. In six months, which development needs would you like your child to make progress in (be realistic)?


    3. What is your child’s (and your) long term aspirations?
    Aspirations (child):

    Aspirations (both):


    4. How does your child spend his/her time at home?

    5. Average hours per week the child spends:

    Screen time (television, computer/handphone, CDs) (hrs):

    Do homework (other work) (hrs):

    6. What is your child's preferred way to communicate or express himself/herself?

    7. From your observations, in what situations/environments does your child learn best?

    8. What types of enrichment or extra-curricular activities is your child involved in at school and out of school? (Please include any therapy and developmental programmes your child is attending)

    Your Child's Employment Choices

    What are some employment choices you feel your child would like to pursue?

    Your Child's Confidence & Self-Esteem

    Tell us about your child’s self-esteem and confidence. Do you feel your child needs extra attention or focus in developing social skills and overall confidence? If Yes, what are some suggestions in increasing your child’s self-esteem?

    Other Programmes

    Tell us about all the other physical and psychological intervention programmes that your child has attended in the last 6 months:

    Your Additional Feedback

    What additional feedback of your child is useful for our coaches to be aware about?